Social Providers

Learn to configure and manage Social Providers in Response.

Requiring your users to remember a password provides a barrier to entry for any new applications you offer to your users, including Response. In general, for faster adoption, you want to remove this barrier to entry and let your users authenticate in as few steps as possible.

To help with this, we offer Social Providers as first-class citizens in Response. Social Providers allow your users to login with their existing accounts on any number of social networks or other OAuth 2.0 authentication providers. In addition, Social Providers can be used by extensions as an authentication point for integrations to 3rd party applications, such as Discord.

Supported Providers

Response, which is built on top of Laravel, offers out-of-the-box support for all social providers that work with Laravel Socialite or the Laravel Socialite Providers project. We don't manage a supported list of providers here, however, a few notable providers are as follows:

Managing Social Providers

In Response, you can manage Social Providers within the Admin Console by clicking the Social Providers navigation link on the left navigation.


Image detailing the Social Providers link in the Administration Console navigation bar.

From this screen you can manage existing Social Providers by clicking each provider, or add a new Social Provider by clicking the Add a Provider button in the top-right of the page.

Types of Social Providers

In Response, when adding a Social Provider you will be asked for the Driver Type. In general, the most common social providers will be offered under the default Social Providers Driver type, however, you're free to choose the Default Socialite Drivers to use the built-in providers available in Response via the Laravel Socialite package.

For a more customized driver or for authentication providers not supported already, you can choose the Custom Driver type, which allows you to enter your own Composer package as well as a custom Listener which will handle the authentication request. You can learn more about building a custom Driver from the Socialite Providers documentation or this Medium article.

Common Configurations


Watch this helpful video for an explanation of the Discord configuration process. To configure Discord, you'll need access to the Discord Developer Portal, so make sure you have logged in to it here.