What is Response?

Learn what Response is and why you should use it.


For the Public

The Public, or Civilians, play a crucial piece to the adoption of the Response platform. Read this guide to get started!

What is Response

You're likely here because that gaming community you are playing with is using the Response platform. Welcome and thanks for reading the documentation!

Response is an agency management platform, designed to mimic the same processes that would be used out in the world by various emergency service agencies. Response allows communities to properly manage their emergency service and government agencies in roleplay scenarios. Response offers an intuitive way to manage ranks, incidents, officers, medical personnel, arrest reports, citations, and more.

Why Do I Care?

By working with your community to properly understand and rely on Response, you're allowing the roleplay scenarios to be more detailed, more efficient, and best of all, all data and persona interactions are tracked. If you care about your personas backstory, Response is going to aid you in creating more depth to your personas, including criminal records, business ownership, licenses, and more.

At first, it might seem like Response is a lot more work than it is worth. However, we encourage everyone to try Response with an open mind, realize it's potential and vast productivity-boosting features, and the depth it can bring to your roleplay scenarios. As such, we believe you should care about Response and the data within Response because it will allow you to better manage your characters, their backstory, records, and other pertinent details.

If you aren't interested in managing these things yourself, that's fine. You do not need to create an account or login to Response for officers and other in-game personnel to interact with you. In the future, if you decide to create a Response account you will be able to do so and then connect your past characters as long as you know some details about them.